The CRL youth dates back to a history when 5 years ago few of us gathered and started praying to a Lord, who at that time was far from being our Saviour. Initially our youth meetings were only times of fellowship spent on interesting gossip sessions and card games. Praise the Lord, for it wasn’t too long before all of us realized the awesomeness of our God.

God in his mercy confronted us with unforeseen struggles and challenged each of us to trust in him wholly and take on a journey with him. Thus started our journey- thus began the Youth Ministry of CRL! With just 5-6 members, our youth group has now grown into an army prepared by the Lord to testify about his love to all other youth in this country.


There is absolutely nothing that we could boast about, other than the Love of our God. There is nothing that we could hold on to as ours other than the amazing, unending love of our Saviour. If your mind is sketching a picture of a bunch of “holy”, “boring”, “extreme” boys and girls, let us humbly tell you – it hardly matters. We could only say that we are just the same as each one of you, challenged daily by the pressure of this world, falling into similar temptations and hitting rock bottom at the most unpredictable moments in life. Yet if there is one thing that we could boast about, it would undoubtedly be the armor of salvation our God has given to all of us. And yes we are Holy, because we choose to believe in the love of Jesus, Yes we may seem boring because we fear too much to be separated from the love of our father and yes we may look extreme because in our hearts is a fire ever blazing to proclaim the glory of our Go


We invite you to come and join us every Saturday morning from 10.00 am to 11.30 am via ZOOM and learn to face your struggles with Jesus in your life.

Contact us on +94 777 681 838 / +94 768 544 769.

You can also follow us on Instagram @crlyouth_srilanka